Saturday, October 02, 2010

Well, isn't THIS a surprise!

It's been awhile, dear Christian friends, but the Lord has put on my heart a scripture to share with any who may read here:

Leviticus 19:28

"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo marks on you: I am the Lord."

First, for those of you who may in fact look up the passage in question and observe that the previous verse invloves cutting the fringes of the beard, let me say this; beards grow back and do not involve the worship of dead ancestors! God has a REAL problem with us making ANYTHING other than HIM an object of worship!

Exodus 20:3

"You shall have no other gods before Me."

Second, and more important for this discussion, how many people are even AWARE of the biblical prohibition mentioned above?

Not very many, apparently!

I mean, take a trip to the mall. There are more people there WITH tattoos than people without! The other day, I read an article about a girl who had been suspended from her school for having a nose piercing. Her argument against the suspension? Piercing was central to her religion, a "faith" that involved getting closer to "god" by being pierced as much as possible!

I think a cranium piercing is in order!

Anyway, in my opinion, there's something much more sinister afoot here! Think about it! We're coming to a time when "taking the mark of the beast" will be a choice that we'll all have to make. Those of us who do not know the Word of God will say "Sure! No problem! Ink me up!" Those who DO know God's Word will recoil in horror and state emphatically "Never!"

Meanwhile, we are being conditioned to accept tattoos as "art" and the ultimate in style. People who have already given themselves over to the wiles of the Adversary will call us whimps are prudes or whatever they can drum up to make us feel out of touch or geeky!

So, are we able to be saved once we've acquiesced and taken the mark? According to Jesus, there's only one sin from which we can never recover and getting a tattoo wasn't it! We CAN still receive Jesus even after we unknowingly got a tattoo but I can't conceive of a Christian who gets one even though I know more than several people who call themsleves "christian" who do in fact have them.

It's not for me to judge; I don't know what the circumstances are and I can't play the role of God and read their hearts and minds. I DO know this; knowing the Word of God and choosing to ignore it is a dangerous thing!

May God hve mercy on the ignorance of people and lead them to the truth before it's too late!

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