Thursday, August 14, 2008

Forgiveness Part II

Dear blogfan,

If you read the previous post about forgiveness, you know that, in order to be forgiven, we must first forgive. You also know that the whole concept of forgiveness is against our all too human nature and the act of forgiving someone is a difficult thing to do. It IS our assignment as Christians though, isn't it?

So, we're just supposed to be punching bags for the rest of the world, right? If we're wronged, we're just supposed to take it with a smile on our face as we get abused over and over again, right?

Not so much!

The fact is, Jesus told us to forgive those who treat us wrongfully, but He did NOT say that we are to forgive infinitely.

Matthew 18:21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" 22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Some translations say "seventy times seven," but the point is clear. Forgiveness is to be abundant, but there is a FINITE number assigned to the depth of forgiveness that is to be alloted to those who seem to enjoy mistreating those around them!

So, what's to be done? Should we keep a tally and when we've forgiven someone 77 times, cut them off at #78? Hopefully, it never gets that far!

We are definitely to forgive, but not indefinitely!

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