Saturday, August 09, 2008

A recent survey suggested that most Americans believe in God but relatively few of those thought that their own beliefs represented the only way to heaven. In fact, as few as 30% of the respondents thought that their own belief system was the best or only way to heaven.

Uhh.....why do they waste their time believing what they believe, then?

Another question; how can any person who calls him or herself Christian say that they think there are many ways to heaven? Jesus had a lot to say about this!

First, He said that it's not easy to get to heaven:

Matthew 7:13, 14 - "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

So, what does that mean? Well, quite honestly, eternal life isn't SUPPOSED to be easy! Of course God loves everyone, but HE HATES SIN and will NOT coexist with it! By accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us, His payment of our sin debt, we can find righteousness that God will accept, but THAT'S IT!!! Not by simply "being good" or by doing good works. The Word says (Isaiah 64:6) that all of our good deeds (attempts at righteousness) are like soiled toilet paper in God's eyes! We simply cannot be good enough on our own!

Secondly, Jesus said that there is no other way to heaven than through him (John 14:6). To quote: " 6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Now, that's pretty unequivocal. NO ONE get to heaven except through Jesus. He said it, not me!

So, if you're part of the 70% out there who thinks that there are multiple ways to heaven, you didn't hear that from Jesus! HE said that there isn't another way! It's Him and only Him! I didn't read how many of that 70% were Christian, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were the majority. After all, most Americans, whether they truly ARE Christian or not, will give themselves that label when asked. I'd like to know how many of that number are church-going, supposedly "bible-believing" Christians. As before, it wouldn't surprise me if it was a majority.

There are a couple of problems there. First, a lot of so-called Christians have no idea what's in the bible. Sure, they go to church on Sunday most of the time, but they never open their bible for themselves, leaving it to their three scripture readings each Sunday to provide their bible education for them. Second, a lot of Christians are "cafeteria Christians." They pick and choose the scriptures that they like and discard the ones they don't care for. Uhhh.....I don't think God would have breathed the inspiration of the Holy Spirit into someone and had them write down His Word if He didn't want us to believe ALL of it! Oh....I KNOW there's some stuff in there that's pretty hard to take but, with God's help, it IS possible! (remember point #1? It's not SUPPOSED to be easy!!!) The bottom line here is pretty simple. If you decide to discard John 14:6, you have to call Jesus a liar.

Not a wise thing to do, my friend!

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