Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Welcome to "Dan's Christian Place," which I decided to create so I'd have a place to share Christian thoughts and ideals. If you came from Dan's Place, you already know about it, but that site has become more of a daily chronicle than anything else and it seems that part of what I thought it would be, a place for Christian discussion, got kind of pushed off to the side. So, I decided to dedicate an entirely separate blog to Jesus and bible discussion.

One of the best websites in the world is Bible Gateway. It has an awesome search engine and every translation of the bible imaginable, which makes it invaluable for this sort of forum. I use it all the time.

I have several favorite verses from the bible. I like 2Kings 6:8-23 (especially verse 16, but you can't get the context without reading the additonal verses), Isaiah 53 (the whole chapter), Galatians 2:15-21, and Hebrews 10:26-31.

I feel sorry, and pray often, for people who do not know Jesus. Oh, I know that sounds silly to someone who does NOT know Him (I used to be one of those and, until I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I used to scoff at the notion of someone being able to "know" Jesus), but when a person accepts Jesus as Lord, the very Spirit of God opens your spiritual eyes so that you may see the truth of His holy Word (John 6:63/64 - " It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.”)One of the most famous verses of the bible, John 3:16, immediately follows a conversation between Jesus and a Jewish elder named Nicodemus. Jesus tells him that he must be born again to inherit the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus does not understand, so Jesus explains that spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh; unless one is born again in his/her spirit, he/she cannot inherit the Kingdom. As with the "know Jesus" concept, that one doesn't make a lot of sense until you're on the other side of the fence looking back, either!

I don't know how to reach people who don't know Jesus. I've always avoided the old "in your face confrontation" because that method ALWAYS turned me off HUGELY when I was an unbeliever. Such being the case, I've always been more passive, sharing my beliefs more from the prompting of the Holy Spirit and those special "Holy Spirit moments" than anything else. That said, I DO believe that some of my efforts on the internet have yielded fruit, so I pray that this forum will bear fruit as well.

God bless you as you read this. May you come to know Jesus if you do not, and may your walk be ever enlightening if you are a born-again believer.

1 comment:

Kimela said...

I am very proud of you for opening this site. May you always keep your good Christian values and positive outlook. You never know who will be watching you and influenced by your actions. I love you! Kim